White Diamond is a transparent PNB gel polish with glitter. The provocatively bright, pure holograph..
Fire is a pure bright red color from the REDs collection. Seductive red, the color of desire. Bold a..
Victory is a soft red color with pink notes from the REDs collection. Enamel. It’s thick. Densely pi..
Marylin – the classic red color from the REDs collection, without age, out of time! Emotional, passi..
Bloody Mary is red from the REDs collection, the rich color of cherry tomatoes. Energetic and life-a..
Red Velvet is a dark red color with a berry pontoon from the REDs collection. Darling, with a soft g..
Revolution – dark red color from the collection of REDs, with pronounced berry notes. Enamel. It’s t..
Sunset is a pastel light coral color with a subtle flickering of a fine shimmer that saturates the s..
Blue Curaсao is a blue turquoise gel polish. Bright but unobtrusive, universal shade. Beneficially h..
Bright green PNB gel polish. Energetic, juicy shade. Creates a harmonious combination with lavender,..
Papaya is sunny orange, the color of ripe and juicy papaya flesh. It has a warm, soft shade. Combine..
Calypso is coral with a pink sub-tone gel polish. Pure, juicy, self-contained color. Combines bright..
Sequoia is an interesting combination of coffee and milk color with a pleasant yellow and beige unde..
Aurora – “delicious” burgundy shade with a pink subtone of medium-dark tonality. Easily brings elega..
Sangria is the dark maroon color of ripe cherries. Temperate, refined shade. Rich in some mysterious..
Bilberry is a rich, deep blueberry color. A rather shocking, dark shade of purple. It is often used ..